Our Values



We overcome white supremacy, at individual, institutional and system levels. We create programs, products and structures that are led by people representing the communities we serve. We create democratic, participatory financial and governance mechanisms for the communities we serve.


We listen deeply to the needs of ICC members, the entrepreneurs they serve, and the communities in which they are embedded, and create programs and services that are responsive to those needs. We create content and programs that are informed by multiple, diverse perspectives. We create modular tools and services that can be adapted to multiple settings. We support our members in engaging a variety of stakeholders.


We use the principles of design justice, first among them “nothing about us without us.” We are rooted in the communities we serve. We work with allies and accomplices to influence systemic change and inject restorative justice into the financial system.


We create mechanisms, services and tools and foster relationships for ICC members to share risks, resources and knowledge. We use participatory decision making and governance mechanisms.


We create programs and resources that value what’s not priced in the market. We create space for people of different backgrounds and life experiences to be heard. We provide support for self-care and restorative practice among the members of the ICC.


We prize done over perfect. We listen and learn to adapt and modify our strategy. We take an agile approach to developing and implementing programs, products, and the structure of the ICC itself.